Have a look on the two zik-pot sites of MC Diem (The links are on the left hand side of this blog, under FreundInnen). He has made some real good progression, his music is very emotional. My favourite songs on McDiem vote are "Toute chose a une fin" (Alles hat ein Ende), "2009 - Neues Jahr, neues Glück" und "Enfants da la nuit" (Children of the Night, song about the tragedy of Winnenden). On Diem&Soul , I really like "Ma postion" and "If". Many of the songs also include (next to French), some German or English part.
Check it out, it is really worth it!
And thanks to all of you who have already voted for him in the past! It was worth it - he is third best now on this music site, and one of his songs will soon be on their CD. Congratulation, Mehdi :-)
Have a nice 2009 spring, hugs and kisses, Micha :-*

5 Putsis: Robin(7), Rose (8), Charlie (10) and their parents Ankie (38) and Michael(40)! A French German Family volunteering during 2 years around the world: USA, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Bali, NZ, Australia, SEA and back home via China, Mongolia and Russia with the Transsibirian train. #worldschooling #family #travelwithkids #voyage #famille #Reisen #Kinder #Familie #ief #freelearning #freilernen #volunteer
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LA NAGEOLOGIE ~~ ~~ Un jeune professeur faisait un voyage en bateau. C’était un homme extrêmement cultivé, au nom suivi d’un cortège d’ini...