Kopfbälle u.a. : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD_HwbTCZHk
Gardine : http://www.youtube.com/user/benzouzouille#p/a/u/2/IyeyWHiTHmU
Was nicht passt... : http://www.youtube.com/user/benzouzouille#p/u/4/6Lswe0wlzAY
Männer & Frauen : http://www.youtube.com/user/benzouzouille#p/u/5/W_G73cNaSng
Badespaß : http://www.youtube.com/user/benzouzouille#p/u/6/oM1x20wv4ZM
5 Putsis: Robin(7), Rose (8), Charlie (10) and their parents Ankie (38) and Michael(40)! A French German Family volunteering during 2 years around the world: USA, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Bali, NZ, Australia, SEA and back home via China, Mongolia and Russia with the Transsibirian train. #worldschooling #family #travelwithkids #voyage #famille #Reisen #Kinder #Familie #ief #freelearning #freilernen #volunteer